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Building Under Construction


Darmody & Partners offer project management services to clients in the residential and commercial sectors.


Our project management services include:-



Providing feasibility assessments, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of the proposed initial design.


Assisting with the development of a robust project brief - a critical document outlining the detailed scope of work and cost projections for the project.


Assisting with the procurement and appointment of the project team and advising on the required scope of services to be delivered by each project team member.


Advising on the most suitable procurement method for the key contracts. As experienced quantity surveyors, we are well placed to provide our clients with excellent advice on the most suitable contracts, highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of each viable option.


Managing the programme during design and construction. Developing efficient and realistic design stage programmes as well as reviewing contractors’ programmes in line with work completed on site. Progress and Earned Value (EV) reports can be issued as required by our client.


Risk assessments and live risk registers can be developed and managed throughout the project lifecycle.


We will organise, chair and minute regular design and project team meetings throughout the project.



On multi-unit residential projects as well as large and complex commercial projects where the level of structural and building services certification can be onerous, we will manage the process of obtaining, reviewing, and submitting all relevant certification documents to the relevant parties. This ensures the client can receive their return on investment at the earliest opportunity.


Acting as the employer’s representative on projects where this is required (Public Sector, FIDIC, NEC, etc).


Assisting with stakeholder management including liaising with all relevant parties and organisations, including project team members as well as utility companies, government organisations and public consultations.

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